Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

 On Wednesday night, we made our way to Uncle John's and Auntie Andrea's for Thanksgiving weekend.  It rained all the way there, but that was ok because we were going to have lots of fun, no matter what!  
 Our Thanksgiving was an adventure all by itself.  The fryer started to leak, so we had to figure out how we were going to cook this huge turkey and fast, because our tummies were getting hungry.  The butterfly method works and the turkey was the best that we have ever had!  We were thankful for all of our family and friends, and memories that we shared this past year!
 On Friday, we went to the Children's Museum in downtown Madison.  The kids had a blast!  
 They had a section for children under 5 that had little hiding places, slides, and tunnels!  

And an art area, where the kids were in charge!  Making mosaics with magnetics on lighted tables,
and painting on the big picture windows before squirting it with water and wiping it clean!

Gabby, Cooper, Grandma, Auntie Kris and Auntie Andrea made awesome sock puppets together.  We had a great time with one another!  But one thing was for sure....

naptime was the best on Saturday afternoon when we got home!  Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Brewer and his Neb

Brewer started up his Nebulizer treatments in hopes that we can kick this cough good-bye.  It has been keeping him up and is starting to show signs of settling into his lungs...yucky!  So up in the rocking chair, with his gookers, froggy, blanket and mask, Brewer did his treatment all by himself!  He is getting way too big!

Just A Few of My Favorite Things

Brewer was having a tough evening and there were just a few things that he found comfort in.  His mommy, his gookers, and his froggies.  Yes, that would be two frog banks that he decided to carry where ever he went.  At one point they were full, but we emptied them, so he would not drop them on his toes!

Grandparents Day

Friday, November 5th was Grandparent's Day at Pleasant Prairie Elementary.  Mrs. Kornder asked all of the Kindergartner's to make up a poster all about their Grandparents.  While we were working on ours, we asked Cooper what he liked to do with his Grandparents and this is what his response was:
    I like to go swimming in Grandpa's pool!
I like it when Nana makes me warm sweaters, mittens and hats to keep me warm!
I like it when Grandma takes me to Mr. Steve's so I can play on the tractors!
I like it when Grandpa takes me to the movies!
I like it when Grandma makes me cookies!
Grandma and Grandpa were able to join Cooper in his class for a little performance and to see what his classroom was all about!  Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for coming!