Sunday, February 28, 2010

Busy Day

We had a very busy day on Saturday, February 27th here at the Beck household. The boys and I were given strick instructions to leave the house so that the remodeling project of the kitchen could begin.
Here are the before pictures of what our kitchen use to look like....
Hopefully we will be able to post the new pictures of what our kitchen looks like soon...
So while Daddy was busy with the kitchen, the boys and I went out on some errands. First, we went to Target to get the odds and ends for the house. Then, we went to JcPenny's to get Brewer's pictures taken, mainly because we didn't have a true one year old picture taken. Here is a link that you can view his pictures on Follow the link to the site and use Christina Beck as the customer name. Afterwards, I treated the boys to McDonalds. We headed over to Gg and Papa's so Brewer could take a quiet nap while we waited for Grandma's arrival.
Then to top of the days event's, we met up with Great Grandma Rognstad, Grandpa and Nana, Uncle Fred, Aunt Sue, Nicole and Darren, Grandma and Grandpa, Gg and Papa, and Grandma Maria at Applebees to celebrate Auntie Elizabeth's 29th birthday. As always we enjoyed her chicken tenders, fries and ranch dressing topped off with a chocolate sundae....Happy Birthday Elizabeth!

Cooper's Snowman

Yup, you guessed snowed AGAIN earlier this week. This time, Cooper and Daddy went outside to build the snowman in the front yard, while Brewer and I were inside getting dinner ready. His snowman is complete with coal eyes and mouth, and a carrot nose! And believe it or not, he his still standing outside the house!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Monkey Joes

This afternoon we took the boys to Monkey Joes for some fun. What an awesome place! At first Cooper was a little reserved in joining in, but after some encouragement he went full throttle! Cooper's favorite was the maze one where he crawled up the wall, ran around in the middle and then climbed up another wall to go down the slide.

Brewer's favorite was the giant slide where Mommy and Daddy took turns climbing up the wall and then let me slide down all himself...he giggled all the way down too.

They were both amazing and had a blast. On the way home Cooper asked "when can we go back to Monkey Joes?"

Playing Outside

We've been suspecting that Brewer is going to be an outside kid for some time now. Last night we finally found out that this is true. When I ran out on an errand, Brewer went and got his shoes for Daddy. While I was gone the boys went out for a walk. Hopefully spring is on its way.
But this morning we found more snow! Daddy, Cooper and Brewer went outside to shovel and play while I went for coffee with Auntie Sue. Cooper and Brewer are having a blast outside in the snow. Cooper even said that Brewer ate some "mud snow" (I am sure that we have all tried snow at one point in our lives). Daddy even took the boys for a sled ride down the unplowed street.

New Tooth

Brewer's lower right tooth finally popped through this week. He now has a total of 12 teeth! Hopefully this new tooth is the reason to why we have not slept all night this past week... Mommy and Daddy are very tired to say the least. Here is a picture of my teeth... just to let you know his laughing here...Cooper is wrestling with him:)

Friday, February 19, 2010

2010 Winter Olympics

Cooper and his preschool class were discovering the Winter Olympics this week at school. His teachers did an awesome job of transforming his classroom into the different events at the Olympics. It was even complete with a medal stand for them to stand on with medals and flowers to wave. Cooper's favorite event was hockey and is now looking forward to checking out the up coming Hockey games this weekend.

The New Boy

Brewer finally had his first haircut on Wednesday, February 17 here at the house. Mommy's friend Ashley came over to do the honors. Mommy held me up on the stool while Daddy fed me M&M's and sang lots of songs. Overall Brewer did very well and Mommy only shed a few tears. But here is to the new Brewer! Oh, the bruise in the middle of his forehead is from the fall into the toy box at school. He did very well with the fall and screamed with the ice pack...true boy!

Let It Snow

We had another big dumping of snow on Tuesday, February 9th. Cooper was especially excited that he could go outside to play and help Daddy with the shoveling! I never thought that I would appreciate footsteps in the front yard as much I did that night...because they were made from OUR CHILD!

Chinese New Years

During the week of February 8-12 Cooper learned about the Chinese New Year at Preschool. One of the projects that they worked on was a dragon mask that they would wear during their own Chinese New Years Parade. After cutting it out, he drew lots of Robots on his dragon's head. His favorite part of the week was wearing the big dragon heads that his teacher brought in for them to play with.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Home for the Week...Check

We finalized our contract with the gentlemen out in Virginia Beach for the condo that we will be staying at. After some great research Randy found this condo for us not to mention a great price too... We are very excited! Here are some additional pictures of the place The days can't go fast enough now. Now all we need is the car...

Intro to Sports

Tonight was Cooper's first class at the CYC...Intro to Sports...kickball and t-ball. The session meets every Monday in February from 5:30-6:30...there was just enough time between work and dropping Brewer and I off at home. The focus tonight was on kickball. Cooper said it was a lot of fun and that he liked kicking the ball the most. I asked him if he kicked it far and was able to run the bases. He replied "Yes, and my pants fell down while I was running!" Daddy said this happened between 2nd and 3rd bases. I guess next week we will have to make sure that he has tie pants and that they are tied TIGHT!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Let's Make Cookies

Today was a lazy day inside. Too cold for us to go out and play but a great day to make Chocolate Chip Cookies! Cooper was busy adding the ingredients as Brewer watched on. But when it came time to dump in the chocolate chips, Brewer was not to be fooled. NO ONE CAN PASS CHOCOLATE BY THIS ONE!!! He wouldn't even lay down for a nap until they were done and one was safely in his tummy. Both Cooper and Brewer agreed that they were yummy.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sunflower Jack

Cooper came home from school with his Sunflower Jack puppet this week. It is a big class project to see all of the adventures of Sunflower Jack and all of the kids are very excited. Cooper is mailing it to his cousin Gabby first. After she is done, she will then mail Sunflower Jack off to another friend/relative. (Think of it like a chain letter but with out the mass mailings that follow.) As Cooper receives letters from school, we will let everyone know of Sunflower Jack's whereabouts. Hopefully he will be able to see all of our family and then some. We are also hoping to meet up with Sunflower Jack in Virginia Beach at the end of March.

100th Day of School

On Thursday, February 4th, Cooper and his classmates celebrated their 100th Day of School! To celebrate they had a special lunch of pizza...Cooper had Sausage Pizza and it was yummy. Cooper's favorite activity was the surprise 100 activity. His teacher called out a number for him to color in and when they were all done there was a big 100 on the paper.