Sunday, February 28, 2010

Busy Day

We had a very busy day on Saturday, February 27th here at the Beck household. The boys and I were given strick instructions to leave the house so that the remodeling project of the kitchen could begin.
Here are the before pictures of what our kitchen use to look like....
Hopefully we will be able to post the new pictures of what our kitchen looks like soon...
So while Daddy was busy with the kitchen, the boys and I went out on some errands. First, we went to Target to get the odds and ends for the house. Then, we went to JcPenny's to get Brewer's pictures taken, mainly because we didn't have a true one year old picture taken. Here is a link that you can view his pictures on Follow the link to the site and use Christina Beck as the customer name. Afterwards, I treated the boys to McDonalds. We headed over to Gg and Papa's so Brewer could take a quiet nap while we waited for Grandma's arrival.
Then to top of the days event's, we met up with Great Grandma Rognstad, Grandpa and Nana, Uncle Fred, Aunt Sue, Nicole and Darren, Grandma and Grandpa, Gg and Papa, and Grandma Maria at Applebees to celebrate Auntie Elizabeth's 29th birthday. As always we enjoyed her chicken tenders, fries and ranch dressing topped off with a chocolate sundae....Happy Birthday Elizabeth!

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