Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bunk Beds

While the boys were in the tub, we were working on getting the bunk beds ready for bedtime.  With the new baby cousin that is on the way and in need of the crib, we needed to switch up the sleeping arrangements in the room.  Brewer was moving from the toddler bed to the lower bunk and Cooper was moving from the lower bunk to the top bunk.  We were also hoping that Brewer would start sleeping better at night then what he has been.
Brewer was pretty excited when he saw all of his stuff on the lower bunk and that he was going to be sleeping on "tow truck" that night.  Cooper was also excited to get up to the top bunk.  Randy installed two higher railings to make sure that he would not fall out during the night.
 Although they were both very excited about their new beds, it didn't take long for them to fall asleep...and I couldn't refuse these two pictures!
And yes, for the most part, Brewer has been sleeping through the night:)

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