Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Art Class - Bunnies

Today was a perfect day for going to art class...a rainy and gloomy day to be creative.  Auntie Sue came by and picked Brewer up around 10:35 for their second art class.  Brewer was excited and ready to go for today's adventure!  The theme for today was Bunnies.  When I asked him what his favorite thing to do in art class was, he responded with PAINTING!

I asked Brewer what he was painting and without hesitation he responds "Bouncy Balls."  I can see it!  Can you?

Here is his one eye Blue Bunny

A Free Paint with green, orange, and purple paint.

Cotton Ball Basket - although Auntie Sue did say that he wasn't too excited to be putting the cotton balls on!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Week of the Young Child

This past week, was the nationally recognized Week of the Young Child.  It is a week long of activities that focus on the children under one theme.  This years theme was Carnival.  As part of the week, we all had to come up with an idea for what we thought a Carnival would be.  Then on Friday night, we held our annual Family Night to showcase the talents of the young!

For my room, we decided to look at the games at the carnival.  The first thing that came to mind was a fortune teller.  And the second thing that we thought of was THE CLAW! Without a doubt in our minds, we decided to do two things...

 I am very proud of this creation.  The idea of the machine was in my mind and actually worked when we started the construction of it.  Thankfully we have been having nice weather so I could undo a bubble at our house to use for the window of the claw!

 Our very own fortune teller...
 Cooper's room did a huge roller coaster!  All of the kids were invited to bring in a box to create their own roller coaster ride.  Here is Cooper's ride in the roller coaster!

 Brewer was a duck in the Sesame Street's Carnival.  He was part of the pick-a-duck game that you often see at the carnival.
Overall, the night was a huge success.  66 families voted but unfortunately, none of our walls won...that is OK because we still had fun!

Character Award #3

Cooper was awarded a Character Sticker by Mrs. Sherrick.  She is Cooper's Brain Booster's Teacher.  He says that he got it because he was waiting patiently in line for the rest of his friends!  Good Job Cooper!!!

Empty Bowls Project

The students at Pleasant Prairie were invited to come to school from 6-8pm on Wednesday, April 13th to participate in an Empty Bowls Project.  The students would be making their bowl out of clay that will be sold at a fundraiser come this October.  The monies raised will go to help the local homeless shelters here in Kenosha.

We thought that this would be a great project for Cooper to participate in.  He would have an opportunity to do something that would benefit others.  The only problem was that on Wednesday nights Mom has school and Dad doesn't have a car.  So we came up with the solution of asking Grandma and Grandpa if they would be interested in taking Cooper to the event.

Here Grandpa is helping Cooper roll out the clay...

Cooper needs to measure the clay to make sure that he is rolling it out just right...not too small but not too big either...just right! 
After they are done rolling out the clay, Cooper picks up the circle and places it into the paper bowl as the form for the bowls.  He is then able to make his own design on the bowl. 
Here is Cooper's bowl.  Now we need to wait for it to finish drying for Cooper to go in and paint the bowl.  Then in October we will be invited to go to the Empty Bowls Fundraiser.

Three In A Row

Last Wednesday was a big day for Cooper!  After our last conference with Cooper, we had decided to ask Mrs. Kornder if it would be possible for Cooper to move to a table in hopes that he would be able to work with more focus to get his work done.  It wasn't working all that well.  Cooper was still bringing home homework 3-4 nights during the week.  He finally asked a few weeks ago if he could move back to the table by his friends.  Daddy and I decided that he could IF he brought home THREE notes that said "Hooray, Cooper got his homework done today!" in ONE WEEK.  The first week of his challenge didn't go so well, but he also missed his first day of school because of the stomach flu.  But the second week of school, he did it!  He brought a note home Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!  When he showed me the note on Wednesday, he said, "now can I please go back?"  Without hesitation...YES!!!   We are so proud of him and he is so far doing awesome!

Art Class With Auntie Sue

Auntie Sue said it was time for her and Brewer to start spending some one on one time together.  So Auntie Sue asked if she could sign Brewer up for Art Classes down at the library, just like she had done with Cooper.  And of course we said yes!

April 12th was the first day of Art Class.  When we asked Brewer if he was excited he said no, no art class.  But then Cooper said, "What, Brewer gets to go to art class?  Brewer, that is a lot of fun!"  Then Brewer started to have second thoughts on the whole art class idea.

Auntie Sue came to pick up Brewer at 10:35 from Extended Love, then they picked up Great Grandma and went to the Public Museum.  Today. they talked about bugs and everything that they did in art class revolved around bugs!

Here Brewer is standing with all of his art work from his first Art Class with Auntie Sue!

Here is the caterpillar bug that he made with pom poms and pipe cleaners!

A Bug Clip

A painting of Bugs!

A Flying Bug

Brewer had so much fun that he is already asking to go with Auntie Sue to Art Class!

Did Someone Say Chocolate?

The other day, Cooper was asking for hot chocolate milk.  And from the other room, you hear, Chocolate Milk? coming from Brewer.  So in hopes to avoid the dreaded "its mine" war, I made enough for two.  Put the same amount of hot chocolate in two blue cups, and topped Cooper's off with some marshmallows (if Brewer saw marshmallows, he would have looked at me and said "I no like it"). 
At first Brewer just looked at it, but then gave it a go.  He thought hard and serious about this new form of chocolate that he had just tried.  So he decided to give it another try...
But after he thought about it, the chocolate smiley mustache said it all... He LIKES it!  We know its hard to imagine, but chocolate is this child's weakness in life and he is only two!
If you ever need to get Brewer's attention, all you need to do is whisper CHOCOLATE and he will will be your best friend without a doubt!