Sunday, April 17, 2011

Three In A Row

Last Wednesday was a big day for Cooper!  After our last conference with Cooper, we had decided to ask Mrs. Kornder if it would be possible for Cooper to move to a table in hopes that he would be able to work with more focus to get his work done.  It wasn't working all that well.  Cooper was still bringing home homework 3-4 nights during the week.  He finally asked a few weeks ago if he could move back to the table by his friends.  Daddy and I decided that he could IF he brought home THREE notes that said "Hooray, Cooper got his homework done today!" in ONE WEEK.  The first week of his challenge didn't go so well, but he also missed his first day of school because of the stomach flu.  But the second week of school, he did it!  He brought a note home Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!  When he showed me the note on Wednesday, he said, "now can I please go back?"  Without hesitation...YES!!!   We are so proud of him and he is so far doing awesome!

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