Sunday, June 5, 2011


Since Easter, Brewer has been working on his potty training.  For the most part he had the potty part down, but would ask for a diaper to have a BM.  While we have been working with him and encouraging him to go on the toilet, we have been rather unsuccessful.
So this morning was not exception.  He was walking around the house when he came to us asking for a diaper.  We told him no, that he could go on the toilet and that he needed to go squeeze to see if something came out.  He went back to playing, trying to ignore the fact that he did in fact need to go to the bathroom.  That is when he ran from the living room, into the kitchen yelling, "I need to squeeze!"  And that is what he did!  He was so proud of himself and so are we.  Hopefully we can keep this going and say bye-bye to diapers sooner than later!

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