Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March in Review

I can't believe that we don't have a single post to tell you about for the month of March. It isn't like we have been sitting around doing nothing...it is the opposite to tell you the truth. Our biggest news this month has been our new and updated kitchen...the countertops and flooring are in and a fresh coat of paint is on the walls. I originally wanted green, but I have been out voted and we are now looking for a new color to accent with. My big news this month has been that I have officially passed two of the three tests to the Praxis (a test needed to get into the teaching program)...the third test has yet to be released. Cooper has been enjoying life as a preschooler and is in the transformer mode. He has also taken interest in hockey and tried out ice skating for the first time last weekend with Daddy. Brewer has become a climbing, jumping and talking little toddler! It is amazing how much he is talking now. A new word is popping out everyday and he LOVES to sing. He had another bout with bronchitis and an ear infection earlier this month but is now doing much better. And now we are all packed and ready to bored the plane tomorrow as we take off to Virginia Beach. I will add pictures to this one after we get back from vacation!

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