Sunday, July 18, 2010

Birthday-Pool Party

This afternoon we went over to Auntie Sue & Uncle Fred's house for a Birthday-Pool Party with Grandpa and Nana, Great Grandma, Uncle Bruce and Sue, Rob and Julie, and last but not least, Nicole. We ended up meeting with everyone today because of prior commitments on the afternoon of our Cake and Ice Cream Party.

The first thing that the boys did, of course, was jump into the pool. They jumped in and out of the pool for over an hour straight. Brewer went down half of the slide a hand full of times, and is not afraid of jumping into the water at any depth! Cooper had fun letting Mommy and Daddy play catch with him. He would plug his nose and go flying through the air, come up, catch his breath and then plug his nose for a relaunch. We had a blast!!!

After a nice little picnic, Cooper was able to open up some presents. He was pretty excited to get his Prince Fielder t-shirt from Grandpa and Nana...he will be wearing this at the Brewer's Game in a few weeks for sure!

While Cooper was busy opening up presents, Brewer had a blast playing in the little puddles over by the pool...he is a magnet for water! A true BOY at his best!

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