Sunday, July 4, 2010

First T-ball Game

Cooper is playing T-ball out at the Rec Plex on Saturday Mornings at 8am! June 5th was his first game after two practices with his team, the Brewers. Cooper said it was a good thing that they were not the Cubs!
Here is Cooper with his "game face" after he put on his #5 jersey. He said it was because he was going to be turning 5 this year! Great thinking Cooper!
Daddy and Cooper right before the start of the game. Daddy has been helping the coach with the team and he has been doing a great job!
Here is Cooper in the batters box, getting ready to take bat. He has a great swing and an amazing arm at throwing the ball. All of his coaches are extremely impressed with his talent. Cooper has been playing second base in the outfield. He does a great job, but has troubles at times waiting for the ball to come to him and will go out of his position to get the ball. But overall, he is doing a great job at learning the fundamentals of the game!

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