Wednesday, January 7, 2015

2015 - Happy New Year

2014 was a good year to us all...

Brewer celebrated his golden birthday this year on October 6th.  He graduated from PreK from Extended Love and started Kindergarten in Ms. Morin's classroom at Pleasant Prairie Elementary.  He continues to enjoy his classes at S&S Martial Arts where he is a high yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do, and white belt in Jujitsu. 

Cooper turned 9 this past summer and found out that he loves his hair long!  He started fourth grade in Mrs. Hauke's classroom at Pleasant Prairie Elementary.  This year he started to play the violin, and has been doing very well with it.  He also continues to enjoy his class at S&S Martial Arts where he is a green belt in Tae Kwon Do, and white belt in Jujitsu. 

Christina started a new adventure with KUSD in teaching 4K.  Although it is part time, she is loving the fact that she is able to spend more time with the boys in the afternoon after school.

Randy has taken up the sport of Jujitsu and has found an addiction for it. He enjoys the challenges it brings on the mat, but also the physical benefits.  This past November, he placed third in first competition and is looking forward to participating more of them this year.

As a family, we enjoyed many weekends Up North at the cabin and brought a 4 wheeler into our cabin adventures.  We took a family backpack-camping trip up in Door County for a weekend in August, and the boys enjoyed an overnight out at Bong.  We were able to meet our niece/cousin Sydney for the first time in May.  We celebrated new beginnings with the weddings of Kaitlin and Josh, and Caitlyn and Tom, and sadly the end of an amazing life with Grandma Beck. We found a new church home at Journey Church, a place where all four us look forward to going to Sunday mornings.

As we look forward to the new year and all that it has in store for us.  We will hope for some change - not sure exactly what that all entails, but change is sometimes a good thing.  We will hope for growth in who we are as a family and with those who are around us.  We will hope for some travel - with family living all over the United States, we hope to explore some of those areas.  We are excited to see what our story will be.

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