Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Brewer's Story

I stopped off at Gg and Papa's to look for something for Steven.  While I was downstairs, the boys headed outside to play in the snow, and put salt down on the ramp and sidewalk.
Within minutes, I hear Brewer come in and mumble, "Mom, where are you?"  I told him I was downstairs.  On the way down, he repeated "my tongue is bleeding".  Upon inspecting the injury, I'm trying to figure out what happened.  Brewer kept on saying "nothing, it just started bleeding."
I asked him if he stuck his tongue to something outside.  At first he said no, but then said YES!  All I have in my mind now is the kid on "Christmas Story" with his tongue stuck on the flag pole!
Upon inspection of the gate, sure enough there are remnants of his tongue on the gate.  Poor kid was and still is embarrassed on this incident.  He didn't want his dad to know, but then laughed that we both have experienced a similar incident.  Someday, he will laugh at this!

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