Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 - Happy New Year

I know I said this last year, but this time I am going to hold myself to it.  I am going to update this blog so that everyone can stay up to date with the happenings of our family.  As of January 18th, I will no longer have an excuse not to do this.  So in all due respect, here is what our family has been up to this past year....
Brewer turned 4 and had a Darth Vader birthday party.  He is infatuated with the bad guys for some odd reason, but still continues to love all aspects around him.  He loves to be outside climbing, riding his bike, swimming, playing with his brother and friends, and seeing how he can find trouble.  He's a character - always having a comment or expression to go with what is happening.  In fact, if you ask him, he would say..."love that little stinker!"
Cooper turned 7 this summer and found a love for the water.  Every chance he had he was asking to go swimming.  He also had a chance to go to Boy Scout Camp this past summer with his troop and had a blast!  Cooper is in the second grade and has found a love of reading and writing.  We are thankful that his first grade teacher, Mrs. Laudonio, asked him to wrap around into second grade with her for her last year of teaching.  Together they have clicked and inspire one another to better themselves.  This past spring, Cooper played coach pitch baseball, but is looking ahead to playing flag football this next year.
I am finishing up with the Teaching Certification program at Carthage, and am in the process of completing my second quarter of student teaching.  This past summer, I was able to grow a little garden, and am hoping to make a few changes to making it better this next summer.
Randy has been slowly getting back into his fishing this past year.  He is looking forward to the fishing trip in 2013 with the guys.  Randy found his coaching niche with Cooper's coach pitch baseball team, and found that the reactions from the parents was very positive.  Randy also co-lead Cooper's Scout pack, and is in his second year with the Wolves.
2012 was a great year for us, but we are looking forward to what 2013 has in store for us!  Happy New Year!

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