Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cooper's First Tooth

Today was a big day for Cooper!  We noticed a few weeks ago that Cooper's front two bottom teeth were a little loose.  Now this is a big deal, because we have been waiting for this since his dentist appointment over a year ago where the dentist said it shouldn't be too much longer because the roots were no longer there.  So we have been patiently waiting for this day.   
 Earlier this morning he was snacking on a banana, when his loose tooth was bumped, and started to bleed. After he got it to stop bleeding, he was being very cautious about what he ate and drank for fear of what might happen. During the football game, Randy and Brewer got out some tortilla chips to snack on and Cooper asked for some as well. Pretty soon, he came in with his tooth...
Any day, we should have a second one out as well!  Now, we just need to wait to see what the Tooth Fairy will leave for him in his place.

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