Sunday, January 6, 2013

Prairie Dells

On Sunday, we went over to Prairie Dells Park to check out the winter view.  We have not been there since Brewer was a baby.  In fact, the last pictures we have of us there, Brewer is in the backpack carrier.
This is the view from up top.  The water was rushing quickly down river, over and under the ice that was floating.  The views was beautiful, especially after the fresh snow fall that we had the night before.
Then we found the path heading down to the river's edge.  We didn't go down that far when we were here the last time, because the path was over grown.  This time, the path was clear with the snow. 
Down below we could finally see the bluffs that had heard were there.  They reminded us of the dells.
The boys did a great job with the hiking trail.  The snow made it a little slippery on the rocks, but they managed very well.  Down by the river, we found a small birds nest that had been abandoned.

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